How to Prevent Hairline Cracks on the Wall

Mortar Utama (MU)

Everyone craves beauty in their house. From beautiful interior design to the beauty of the other elements in their house. Among all these elements, the wall is one element of the house that can influence the aesthetic of the house, but often the end result is not paid attention to.

Everyone craves beauty in their house. From beautiful interior design to the beauty of the other elements in their house. Among all these elements, the wall is one element of the house that can influence the aesthetic of the house, but often the end result is not paid attention to.

One important thing that you should know is that the beauty of your walls is greatly influenced by its workmanship. If you do not pay enough attention during the wall work, your desire to have a beautiful house will only be a dream.

One problem that often arises as a result of improper wall work is the appearance of hair cracks. Hair cracks on the wall may look trivial. However, if left unchecked, this condition can damage the strength of the wall, which will further cause other problems on your wall.

Basically, the hair crack problem is very easy to anticipate. The most practical prevention is by observing the plasterwork process and choosing high quality materials.



Before doing a pick-up, you have to make sure that the wall plaster is completely dry. To get maximum plastering results, you can use MU-301 PlasterPlus, a high quality plasterwork product from MU-Weber. After the plaster has dried in 1x24 hours, apply MU-270 SkimBright. By paying attention to this step, the result will be perfect and the walls of your house will be avoided from of hair crack problems.

If the wall plaster is not dry enough, during the hydration process, the vaporized water will be obstructed, which will create a gap on your wall as the way out of the water vapor.

In essence, the beauty of your residential wall is very dependent on your choice during the work process. If you choose to pay attention to every process and material, you can avoid any problems at your house in the future. Otherwise, problems like hair cracks can appear and threaten the aesthetics of your house.

So, what is your choice?

