Leak Free in Bathroom and Pool Area with Waterproof Coatings

Bebas Kebocoran pada Area Kamar Mandi dan Kolam Renang

Often the leak in the bathroom or pool becomes a big problem. Due to the leakage, the area become susceptible moist, mold, mildew, and the spots on the ceiling.

Often the leak in the bathroom or pool becomes a big problem. Due to the leakage, the area become susceptible moist, mold, mildew, and the spots on the ceiling.

Fortunately there is a waterproof coating, or waterproofing, which can be a solution. Waterproof coatings serves to prevent water penetration of buildings. This is very crucial, especially if you have an upstairs bathroom because the leak is very likely to occur in the room adjacent to the bathroom or room under the bathroom. Therefore, make sure to use this waterproof coating when you build or renovate the house.

Generally, waterproof coatings are divided into two functions, i.e. for indoor and outdoor. But you don’t bother anymore to sorting out if using MU-600 Dryshield product. This waterproof coating can be applied anywhere, indoors or outdoors, but it is recommended for outdoor layers is covered with topping material in areas that exposed to direct sunlight (UV).

MU-600 DryShield is a waterproof coating material specially designed with innovative Crackbridge Technology-innovative formula that is easy to apply, strong and adhesive to concrete. MU-600 DryShield is also highly adhesive, non-toxic, and non-corrosive, so it is safe to apply to a variety of wet areas, such as bathrooms, concrete, balcony or submerged areas such as ground water tanks, basements, and swimming pools.

Remember, with MU-600 DryShield products, you do not need to add liquid or water, so the product quality is maintained. Simply by pouring a liquid waterproof coating into the mortar tub, followed by a powder material while stirring slowly, MU-600 DryShield is ready for use.


Application Method:

1. The surface that would apply should be clean and free of dust, oil, oil or other impurities that can reduce the adhesiveness of the product.

2. The surface should be moistened or dampened with water to get the best results.

3. Pour liquid MU-600 Dryshield Pro (5 kg) into the mixing tub and then insert Dry MU-600 Dryshield Pro (15 kg) slowly.

4. Stir the mixture on top until blended with a hand mixer or a cement spoon.

5. Use brush, roller, or trowel to apply the product, depending on the surface flatness condition.

6. Apply a minimum of two layers, with opposite directions for each layer.

7. Wait interval between first layer and second layer application between 3-6 hours.

8. Wait until the product setting, i.e. 24-48 hours before the application of the material layer on it.

Well, with the selection of quality products like MU-600 DryShield and proper aplication techniques, say goodbye to the leaks! More information about Mortar Utama Weber MU-600 DryShield products can be found at this link